Finally found a second to blog

MyMomIsBloggingThisHey there! Gosh, it has been sometime since I’ve been bloggin’. Needless to say, my almost 4 month old has been keeping me quite busy! I’m currently ‘typing’ away on my phone while he naps in the swing. Maybe I have 30 seconds or half an hour to blog. Only Carter knows for sure!

It has been an awesome, challenging, educational and inspiring first few months of parent hood. I feel like my husband and I were flying by the seat of our pants in the beginning and we’ve all finally settled into a manageable routine. And it is oh so nice.

For soon to be parents, one big thing I learned is not to sweat the small stuff. In the beginning we tried to have everything just right and by the book. How quickly the book got tossed out and we just went with our gut. It’s much easier and waaay less stressful. Trust yourself, your own common sense and try not to be so attatched to google (another big stresser).

aaand times up!